Remote Sensing of Water Cycle and Hydrometeorology (RSWatCH) Group
Research interest and grants
Multi-sensor multi-spectral remote sensing of precipitation
High latitude and mountainous rain and snow retrievals and analysis
Hydrologic/watershed modeling and optimization
Weather and climate extremes (extreme precipitation, drought, heatwaves) and societal impact
Global water and energy budget analysis
Developing precipitation products for hydrological applications.
Using advanced satellite and in-situ data to improve quantification of hydrologic variables
Representation of precipitation in climate models
Land-atmosphere interaction
Using GRACE for hydrometeorology
Precipitation data record
Water resources in arid and semi-arid regions
Development and application of machine learning techniques
Sea ice- Atmosphere interaction
Advancing Global Precipitation Data Record for Climate Change, Early Warning, and Scientific Discovery (PI - NASA MEaSUREs, 2024-2028; ~$3M).
Advancing Land Surface Modeling Coupled with the NextGen NWM and Integrate with NOAA UFS to Improve Hydrologic Forecasting Capability (Co-i, NOAA CIROH $750K)
Snowfall Analysis in High Latitudes to Advance NASA IMERG (PI – NASA Precipitation Measurement Mission (PMM) Science team, 2022-2024).
High Latitude Improvement of Long-term GPCP Precipitation Products Using Recent NASA Missions (PI - NASA MEaSUREs, 2018-2023; $2.6 M).
Improving polar snowfall estimation using NASA’s complementary remote sensing observations (PI -NASA Weather and Atmospheric Dynamics, 2020-2023, ~$400K).
Earth Dynamic Observatory, UA (PI), (2020, $43.3K).
Using GRACE to advance precipitation analysis in cold regions, (PI - NASA GRACE / GRACE-FO Science team, 2016-2019; ~$450K).
Revising the global precipitation climatology in light of the most advanced observations from space, (PI - NASA NEWS, 2014-2019; ~$400K).
Multi-sensor Precipitation and Reflectivity Analysis and Retrievals for Precipitation and All-weather Temperature and Humidity (PATH) mission ( PI - NASA WEATHER, 2013-2018; ~$530K).
Improving high latitude precipitation observation: A critical step towards evaluation of reanalysis and climate models: A critical step towards evaluation of reanalysis and climate models, (PI- NASA NEW INVESTIGATOR PROGRAM 2014-2018, ~$260K).
Radiative and Large-Scale Forcing of Tropical Clouds and Their Controls on High SST Environments Using Multi-Sensor Aqua and ECMWF-Reanalysis Datasets (Co-PI, NASA TERRA/AQUA 2014-2018~$700K)
Enabling the U.S. Army Streamflow Prediction Tool to utilize GPM products in operation (Co-PI, NASA Precipitation Measurement Mission, 2019-2021).
Improving National Water Model (NWM) snowmelt runoff prediction (Co-I, NOAA OAR OWAQ 2018-2020, $ 671K).
Climate Model Evaluation by Transitions between Climate States of Short-Term Natural Climate Variability (Co-PI - NASA MAP, 2017-2020)
Simulation-Based Uncertainty Quantification for Atmospheric Remote Sensing Retrievals (Co-PI - NASA Advanced Information Systems Technology, 2017-2019)
Using aircraft and satellite sensors to determine the role of thermodynamics at multiple scales in the initiation and organization of tropical convection (Co-I - NASA WEATHER, 2017-2019)
The JPL Fire Danger Assessment System (FDAS): Using satellite observations to map global wildfire risk (Co-I, NASA JPL RTD 2016-2017)
East Africa Drought and Agricultural Productivity Assessment and Prediction System (Co-I- NASA SERVIR, 2012-2016)
Enhanced-resolution PATH data products (Co-I - NASA WEATHER, 2013-2016)
Analysis of the AIRS and CrIS radiometric calibration under cloudy conditions and error propagation into environmental variables(Co-I NASA SNPP, 2014-2017)
The Regional Hydrological Extremes Assessment System (Co-I- NASA RTD, 2012-2014)
Using Cloudy Radiances as a New Test for the Validation of Climate Quality: AIRS-GOES-IASI(Co-I: NASA Satellite calibration interconsistency studies 2012-2013)
-Partner investigator, CELEX, ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Extremes, supported by the Australian Research Council; $30M ( 07/01/2017-6/30/2024)